Tea-Head and Travel-Junkie

Welcome to Your Tea Garden!
My goal with this website is to introduce more people to the fascinating world of tea. I believe that there is a tea for every taste and purpose. Unfortunately, too many people still think of tea as grandma’s home remedy for a cold or stomachache. With YourTeaGarden, I want to show that tea can be both a pleasure and a cure.
I am fascinated by the endless variety of tea. It is so vast that it seems almost impossible not to have a hot drink for every taste – or iced teas and cold brews for hot summer days.
This variety, the possibility of having tea for every mood, every temperature, every taste, is the reason why I currently have about 140 varieties of high quality loose tea on my shelves. Eventually, I just got bored with the tap water I was drinking 4-5 liters of every day. Before I discovered tea, I couldn’t find an alternative. Soda and juice are too unhealthy for me to drink in large quantities every day. I used to drink mint tea from the garden or tea bags from the supermarket. Discovering loose-leaf teas opened a new world to me.
Besides the variety, I am fascinated by the exoticism of tea. Classic teas from Asia, herbal teas from Africa and Europe, mate and medicinal herbs from South America, fruit teas made from tropical fruits… It’s like a trip around the world on the kitchen shelf. It combines perfectly with my other great passion, travel. With the goal of visiting every country in the world. To discover every corner of the world. And always trying new tastes.
Preparing tea, especially using the classic Chinese Gong Fu method, has become a calming ritual that trains my mindfulness. An anchor in the day.
Last but not least, my regular tea consumption also has a clear positive effect on my health. The countless active ingredients in all kinds of herbal and classic teas noticeably strengthen my immune system. And when I do get sick, I speed up the recovery process with carefully selected medicinal herbs.
Whether you’re new to the world of tea or a lover of fancy Oolongs, Yellow Tea rarities, complex Pu-Erhs or Aged Whites … I hope YourTeaGarden can help you discover new varieties and learn more about tea.
So grab a cup and join me in exploring the fascinating world of tea!